Wednesday, May 28, 2008


Might As Well Jump...

I heard an ad on the radio today for Flight Center and some of their current rates on flights from Vancouver. You can travel to Las Vegas, Cancun, or London for only $99. But if you want to catch a flight to Toronto, you'll have to pay $299, which is still not too bad.

I've got a money-saving idea: Buy a ticket to London, England (for only $99), and find a good deal on a parachute (better yet, borrow one). Then simply ask the pilot to slow down a bit when the 747 is over Ontario, crack the door, and voilĂ ! You'll be gently floating down from 37,000 feet towards sunny Toronto, with an extra $200 in your back pocket.

Sheesh, I should be selling this kind of advice instead of giving it away for free....

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