Thursday, September 28, 2006


Dit Doo And More...

A few random musings.

When I spoke at church last week, I asked people about their favourite TV shows. One answer was "Sha Na Na" and that broke me up laughing! What a bizarre 1970's show title to mention in church - awesome! Anyways, two days later, it was the answer to one of the clues in the newspaper crossword puzzle. Sha Na Na! How crazy is that?

I used the stairwell at the Save-On-Foods parking garage and noticed that they cleaned and pressure washed it. Now it smells like urine AND soap. Nice.

Dit doo. No, it's not a Sha Na Na song lyric, but that's how my 2 year old son says thank you. "Here's your cereal, Kylan." "Dit doo." It's pretty near darn cute. Yup, he's a polite little guy when he's not throwing things at your head.

It's hockey pool time again! My favourite time of the year. It's like Christmas for me! (Think I need to get out more often?)

Something in our bathroom struck me funny. Our "American Standard" bathtub and toilet, are both CSA approved (Canadian Standard Association). Ok, maybe I'm the only one thinking that's a little bit funny....

Saturday, September 23, 2006


Fast Fact...

Did you know that you are taller at the beginning of the day than at the end of the day? That's why you have to adjust the rearview mirror when you get into your car to go to work/school/mafia meeting each morning.

The reason for this, of course, is that when you sleep little elves come to your bed and pull on your arms and legs to stretch you. They get taller at the same time, but it's barely noticeable....

Saturday, September 09, 2006


My Summer Vacation...

In honour of all the students who are probably writing about their summers as well, I humbly present (after more than a month away from my blog keyboard), "My Summer Vacation." Okay, well I didn't actually take any vacation this summer, but I did get out of town a bit. Here are the highlights and lowlights:

At the end of July, thirteen of us went down to the Gorge in Washington to see some great bands and speakers. We tented. We went to the beach. We ate at Subway. We saw Jaki on the big screen during the David Crowder Band. We laughed a lot. We had to get the fuel pump repaired. We heard Audio Adrenaline's last performance. We used Honey Buckets. We bought CDs. We ran out of gas. We said, "Hey, how you doin'?" a lot. We ate chicken caesar wraps. We moshed (well, some of us). We bonded. It rocked.

This really should be a post of it's own, it had so many, ahem, "memories." First of all, my camp nickname was Green Lantern, and I had all these Green Lantern pictures and posters on the walls and GL t-shirts to wear and stuff. First camper to walk into my cabin says, "Who's Green Lantern?" Good start, Dairn, ya rookie kids counsellor!

Now, I wouldn't say that half of the 8-10 year old boys in my cabin were fully evil, but let's just say that if they had a good angel and bad angel on each shoulder, the good one must have been bound and gagged and shoved in a closet all week. Lowlights include the kid who went around farting on all the other kids' pillows; the kid who slept in the nude (and the three other boys who thought that was cool and started to "go commando" too); the kid who was just a real jerk already at age 10 (and his proclivity for blaming everyone else for everything, even when I witnessed him beating on a younger kid); the amount of times I wiped pee off the toilet seat; the kid who was sick and barfed for a long time in the middle of the night; the lack of sleep; the attitudes of the twin boys on my team (it turned out better than it began, however); sunscreen leaking inside my suitcase; the cough at the end of the week... It's pretty much all par for the course at Kids Camp, though.

Highlights include the kids with awesome attitudes; watching our great leaders from Kingsway excel in blessing the terrific Kingsway kids; the fun times with my team (go Kung Fu Kings!); and seeing young lives grow over the course of the week.

To sum it all up, I heard those three little words from one of my boys at lunch time that simply made me shake my head and look to the sky... "I just diarrhea'd." It was commando boy, of course!

Okay, after the surreality of Kids Camp, I returned to the reality of teenagers and Youth Camp. This was my 13th year as a leader, so it's a very comfortable week for me (and it's always nicer to have my family in my cabin with me for a week instead of hellboy and his minions!). Great stuff happened in so many young peoples' lives - it made me really proud of our church and it's leaders. And proud of our teenagers who were listening to God's voice and responding with their lives. And no one whispered those three little words in my ear.

On Labour Day, as is our family tradition, we went to the Pacific National Exhibition and saw the Superdogs, went to the petting zoo, bought some floral gums (soap candies) which I'm eating as I type, watched Hi-5 perform, and got hosed on parking and food prices. Ahhh, there's nothing better to end the summer!

Hopefully I'll get back on track and blog a little more in the coming weeks. Life's just been so busy getting towed out of Creationfest, wiping toilet seats for 9 year olds, getting teenagers into their cabins at night, and taking my awesome kids to the fair.

Life doesn't get any better than this...

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