Friday, February 15, 2008


Diet Coke Up The Nose (Almost)...

I read the Get Fuzzy comic in the paper today at the food court, and a line in it made me laugh out loud. "You fight like a drowsy Swiss toddler!" Oh my goodness, having a 3 year-old at home just compounds the imagery there! Please note that no actual Swiss were harmed in today's comic strip, so you can forego the nasty comments from any readers in the neutral army out there....


Peripheral Driving...

I got to watch about 20 minutes of Disney's Beauty And The Beast yesterday. I missed some of the best parts, however, because the SUV in front of me turned off the road (that screen hanging down between the front seats was pretty small anyway, and without hearing any sound you lose a bit of the plot). It was pretty cool being entertained while monotonously driving in Surrey, crossing the Port Mann Bridge, then heading for PoCo. Although there were some minor annoyances. For instance, every time the screen got bigger, I realized I needed to apply the brakes or I'd be in the SUV with those people ("Uh, hi... popcorn?"). And a couple times the kid in the back seat would raise his arms in the air blocking my view of the screen (a quick honk and a, "Down in front, I can't see the stupid candle guy with the French accent!" and things would return to normal).

Alas, I never saw the end. And I can't remember if the beauty slays the beast, or if the beast eats her up with a nice chianti. Oh well, today I'll be cruising behind minivans looking for The Little Mermaid....

Friday, February 08, 2008


General Apology...

Just a quick, "so very sorry," to everyone out there. I'm pretty sure that I am the cause for the line being so slow.

If your car lane is slower than it should be, and it seems like every other lane is quicker, it's probably because I'm driving somewhere in that lane. If your grocery line is slower than the one next to it, I'm probably in it somewhere (I don't even have to be at the front of the line for this mysterious ailment to take effect). At Costco, movie theatres, the police station, anywhere I have to be in a lineup, it's like time suddenly s l o w s down and everyone starts looking at their watches, getting testy. Well, I've come to the conclusion that it must be me.

So, next time the line is slow at the bank, the driver's license place, or Disneyland, you've got someone to blame it on now. Sorry about that. My bad....

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