Monday, May 31, 2010


Happy Birthday, Luke...

So, last time I blogged, Luke was barely born. He is turning 2 today, so let me introduce the little guy to you again! Born on the same day as his Uncle Glenn (albeit 45 years later), and named strictly so I can do a Darth Vader voice and utter that famous line, "Luke... I AM your father!" Actually, his name is Dairn Luke, but we decided early that we'd call him Luke as to not confuse me everytime someone says, "Dairn... get your hand out of the toilet bowl!" or "Dairn, stop drooling" (as if that's a function one can control).

Well today Luke ate a bowl of chocolate chip mint ice cream with a candle on top, tried to communicate with more words (I think he said "thank you", and he already says "please", but it sounds exactly the same as "teeth" and "cheese"), and hit me in the face with a PS2 controller. All in a day's work.

Anyways, if you were to look back on my blog posts, you'd find a smattering of the life and times of my other two great kids, so I thought it only fair to give an update on Lukie. Welcome to the beginning of your third year, little buddy, and welcome again to blogdom. I'm quite sure you'll provide your dad with plenty of posting fodder for years to come.

And know this, I promise never to sever your hand with a light saber. Never....

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