Tuesday, June 28, 2005


ABC's Of Canada...

A. "EH" --> As in, "How ya doin', eh?"
B. BACK BACON --> Famous around the world (anybody here ever eat it?)
C. COMEDY --> Jim Carrey - Howie Mandel - John Candy - Mike Myers - Dan Ackroyd - Martin Short - Michael J Fox - Leslie Nielsen - The New Democrat Party - Newfies - William Shatner
D. DON CHERRY --> Our country's Prime Minister
E. EQUATOR --> Which Canada is very far away from
F. FREE TRADE --> Another North American myth
G. GEESE --> Our specialized US infiltration team
H. HOCKEY --> National sport and religion
I. IGLOO --> Eskimo glue
J. JAPAN --> Where we get our cars
K. KETCHUP --> Made from tomatoes, not cats
L. LACROSSE --> How Quebecers explain La Gospel
M. MONEY --> Colourful as the trees in autumn (and worth as much)
N. NATIONAL ANTHEM --> As heard on the opening credits to Hockey Night In Canada
O. ONTARIO --> The center of the universe
P. PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND --> Only Atlantic province not starting with an 'N' (we received PEI from Mexico in the Free Trade agreement)
Q. QUEBEC --> High tax, funny accents, mandatory smoking, uniquely Canadian
R. RCMP --> "Really Cute Men on Patrol" according to the girls I know
S. SUBMARINES --> Canadian navy has 3
T. TOQUE --> Official headgear of Canada (Americans call them wool caps because they can't spell toque)
U. UNPROTECTED BORDER --> The longest in the world, we go to the US for gas and cheese (not necessarily in that order)
V. VICTORIA --> City named after a secret lingerie store
W. WEST EDMONTON MALL --> Naval base for our 3 submarines
X. XTRA GST --> GST extra (the tax that was supposed to disappear in 1988.... ho hum)
Y. YUKON --> It is a territory bigger than Texas, and that scares Americans
Z. ZED --> (Not zee)

The Great White North in a nutshell. Now, back to cooking up that bacon....

Once again you make me lol. You are so awesome Dairn, I love who God made you!!
Awww, you guys make me blush!

I am praying for you both to be amazing gifts from God on your trip to Fiji tomorrow. BLESS others and BLESS one another, ok?? :-)
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