Thursday, June 30, 2005


Happy Canada Day...

Tomorrow, July 1st, is Canada Day. We are 138 years old (and feeling it). Actually, compared to most of the world we are a very young nation. Asian, Middle Eastern and European countries have history that goes back hundreds and even thousands of years. I guess if you asked God though, our dirt is relatively the same age. It is the day that our nation celebrates it's independence from Alaska (speaking of Independence Day, wasn't that a great movie? Will Smith battling aliens, a computer virus shutting down their space ships, and Bill Pullman as the President. OK, that last part wasn't very believeable).

Canada Day. Wear your colours with pride. Red and white patriotic pride, not the rainbow coloured pride that seems to be a little less closeted lately. We live in a great nation. It's not only big, it's pretty neat. And somewhat tidy.

"Oh Canada, our home and native land!" (That was for Melaney, Norm and Cheryl....)

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