Sunday, June 26, 2005


Subliminal Elvis...

I got a clue as to who I was dealing with early on when we all had to hold hands to pray because it would give "extra energy" to our prayers and God would hear us better. Uh huh.

My father-in-law's cousin is dying. He was asked by his cousin's common-law wife to come by and visit, and possibly prepare a memorial service for the near future. The poor man has been suffering for several weeks, and is currently very low. Pastor Barry (dad) has visited a couple times, but this past Saturday he took me along. Since he will be heading to Fiji and New Zealand for the coming month, guess who is up to bat if and when his cousin passes away?

The "wife" is a very nice lady, and I have no doubt of her sincere belief in Jesus Christ, but her Christian doctrine leaves something to be desired. The best indicator of her mystical-Christian mind was when she explained how her "husband" had come to know Jesus. It seems that a year ago she made a tape of Elvis songs, recorded in a particular order that told the gospel story. When Pastor B's cousin was sleeping, this sweet lady would play the tapes, unbeknownst to him, inundating him with the story of Jesus (Elvis-style).

A few months later she noticed that he was more receptive to her Billy Graham programs on TV, and voila - he accepted Jesus as his Lord and Saviour! It couldn't be the prayers of this man's extended family over the years, oh no. It's all owed to the man with the blue suede shoes! Oh well, it'll be an interesting funeral for sure (to be held at the local Legionaire pub, no less). Pray that I have the proper sensitivity to minister grace to this grieving family.

Or just blare your Elvis albums while I am sleeping....

I will pray, but I dont love Elvis... so yeah.. NO.
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