Wednesday, July 27, 2005


Bird Lady...

A few weeks ago, while looking outside my office window, I saw a lady walk across the parking lot and then put something on the ground near a tree. It was right beside the first spot in the lot, where Pastor Barry usually leaves his car. Later I found out she was putting bread folded in newspaper on the ground. In a few minutes, a small group of crows (a "murder" of crows, that would be called) started pecking away at the food and at each other, and many angry caws and scuffles ensued (I'm assuming they were angry caws as I don't speak crow. Who knows, maybe they were saying, "hey pass me that piece of bread, if you please", and "Oh, I like your plumage today - very shiny").

Anyways, I've been picking up pieces of ripped newspaper every day wondering what her obsession is with the birds. I'm also wondering why she can't feed the freaking crows on her own lawn and stop messing up our church yard. "Hey, babushka lady, at least on your way back through the parking lot, pick up all the trash you leave!"

If it was me, I'd be soaking those pieces of bread in Ajax and watching the crows explode as they fly away. Oops, there's the "evil Dairn" rearing his ugly head again. Maybe she isn't meaning to feed the birds at all. Those rodent-related squirrels infesting our neighbourhood might be her intended good will recipients. Maybe she doesn't know that the birds are taking her bread and pooping all over our cars in the process.

Haha, the joke's on her....

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