Friday, September 30, 2005


Shaken Not Stirred...

Jonkoping, SWEDEN -- This town plans to become the first place in the world where corpses will be disposed of by freeze-drying and vibrating them to powder, as an eco-friendly alternative to cremation or burial, officials report.

Be sure not to have Uncle Svend's urn anywhere near the sugar bowl or he may accidentally end up on your Corn Flakes. The bright side to all of this, however, is that if you miss your dearly departed, freeze dried relative, just add water....


In other current events, there's a BLOG TAG game happening, and I was tagged by Abigail on her blog. These are the rules:

1. Go into your archive
2. Find your 23rd post (or closest to)
3. Find the fifth sentence (or closest to)
4. Post the text of the sentence in your blog along with these instructions
5. Tag 5 other people to do the same thing

My 23rd post (almost as famous as the 23rd Psalm), was BIRD LADY, and the 5th sentence was... Who knows, maybe they were saying, "Hey, pass me that piece of bread, if you please", and "Oh, I like your plumage today - very shiny."

The 5 people I tag:
1. Melaney
2. Jaki
3. Kasha
4. Joel
5. Tamara

No tag backs!

Dairn, mine is really boring....all it is "I got my English midterm back today and I got a B, so 75% which is alright I guess." That doesn't make for a very inspiring blog tag. =(

This is kinda like a cross between, Tag your it, kick the can and hide and go seek!
Well, off to have some fun and games...
I couldn't get a comment posted on your d letters..
bc that guy, anthony Bertuzzi related to Todd???
I doubt he is related because Todd was probably still playing in Junior in Ontario back then, but who knows?
that blog tag thing is gay realllllyyyy gay
Hey "anonymous" (and I say that in a really sneering, grade 5 playground talk, sort of way), when you're man enough to put a name to your entries you can make comments like that. Otherwise keep your comments to yourself unless you're sharing clever ones (cuz I know you've got a good chunk of clever in there somewhere!).
it is your choice to allow anonymous comments change it if you wish.
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