Wednesday, November 02, 2005


By Mennen...

I bought a new Speed Stick the other day (Ocean Surf scent) because my current one is nearing the end of it's armpit usefulness. Back on the high school basketball team, we used to call it "pit stick" but I don't call it that very much anymore. Could be because I'm not a 16 year old playing basketball with other 16 year olds, driving from games in a smelly old school bus, lamenting our most recent loss. I was a guard who couldn't shoot very well, but I could defend better than most (turns out there's not much glory for a good defender in high school basketball), but I digress.

The Speed Stick plastic tube (or packaging or holder or whatever it's called) had changed. There is now a black plastic grip on each side of my Ocean Surf Speed Stick. It looks cooler, but it caused me to wonder aloud, "Why?" Were men losing their grip on their deodorant stick when applying a quick swipe up and down of each armpit? Had there been some household accidents that could have been avoided if only there was a safety grip on the Speed Stick? Were some men developing unsightly callouses on their hands due to an awkward grasp on their daily underarm regimen?

One may never know. Maybe a letter to the people at Mennen is in order. Or maybe I should just go back to a roll-on (shudder)....

I love Seinfeld! So clever....

"Serenity now!"

Oh, and don't pee your pants, k?

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