Wednesday, March 15, 2006


Dignity Stripped...

On Monday I was ridiculed and humiliated, questioned and frowned upon. My masculinity was challenged and my intelligence was doubted. I was stripped of any dignity that may have once resided within this tired body of mine. Things I thought I knew, I didn't. Things I should have known, were sneeringly pointed out. On Monday I had a fresh sense of what some prisoners of war might endure under the scrutiny of hot lights, sleep deprivation, torture, and continual belittling.

Yes, I went to Mr. Lube.

Things started out fine. They were kind enough to guide my little '95 Dodge Colt into the service bay, telling me how to drive straight and when to stop. After popping the hood, I was asked a series of questions pertaining to the types of service offered at Mr. Lube. I politely asked for an oil change, and preceeded to read the free newspaper they handed to me. Little did I know what lay ahead.

Shortly, I was shown a sample of my engine oil. It was dirty. Isn't that normal for an 11 year old car driving regularly between oil changes? Apparently not. I was shown normal engine oil and given a brief history of engine oil and it's application to the engine. I knew all this, but congenially listened. "Mr. Lube," or Ali, as his shirt implied, asked if I had ever had an engine flush, because it is a recommended service on vehicles every 48,000km. It costs $25.99 and would help my engine work more efficiently. I said, "go for it, Mr. Lube." I was still in a good mood, my manhood intact.

10 minutes later, after agreeing that my transmission fluid needed changing, radiator needed flushing, and wipers needed swapping, I looked over at the guy in the newish Ford Bronco beside me. He was hunched over, resting his head on the steering wheel as a "fluid specialist" and shop manager called him from his seat, pointing to something under the hood all the while shaking their heads. We were beaten and broken men. Defeated by a series of car fluid questions and 'Lubish solutions, cleverly designed to tear away at our machismo and swagger.

It was all a blur. I rolled my window up, smiled, said "thank you," and drove away as my debit card rung through $143.58 for the oil change and extras that were propagated on me.

"Come again," Mr. Lube chimed. But after all that transpired, it felt like a big part of me never truly left....

I think you should sue =P
i'm surprised they didn't call you Sue.
My middle name is Sue, and my hovercraft was in the shop (needed a new tail light).
I don't think I've ever had JUST an oil change at Mr. Lube! It sucks.

I got them last time though...I 'accidentally' left my lights on while I waited to enter the garage. My battery was very dead so a few of their little men had to push me up the small hill of a driveway! (Twice. because I wasn't 'straight' enough the first time.......mwah-ha-ha-ha!)

Then they tried to sell me a new battery!
I don't use oil. Too expensive.
I use saliva - yup, good ol' fashioned spit. If it is good enough to lubricate my stomach...

Never yet seen a Mr. Spit. If I ever do, I'll find something else to use, thank you very much!
hahaha.... your manhood... cute... hahahaha...
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