Wednesday, March 08, 2006


Elite Trash Men...

Recently, I put out some extra items with our regular weekly trash. Beside the garbage cans I neatly placed an old fireplace grill and a broken bike carrier. The garbage men came by, loaded the garbage bags and recycling into their trucks, and left the other items behind. It was almost as if they were saying sneeringly, "we don't want your junk!"

Hey news flash, boys. You're GARBAGE MEN! Who else is gonna take my junk, the mailman? The next week I put the stuff out there in the back lane again, and it was picked up this time. Maybe it was a substitute garbage guy who actually wanted to do his job....

in South Burnaby I know they would only take certain amounts of things if they were packaged right... ie. 144 bags of leaves, 3 garbage bags and a dead partridge that fell from a tree due to eating poisoned pears (i didnt do it).

anyway, just put everything into garbage bags and put them at your neighbors place...

Garbage Men: We Invented Trash Talk
Yahoo! He's back!

As the song goes (paraphrased), "Nice to blog you baby, with all my heart and soul"
- Anybody remember the song i am thinking of? I can't the band's name...
Isn't that 54-40 or some band like that?
Sounds right! LOL
Thanx man!
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