Monday, March 27, 2006


Lap Dogs...

This weekend, I saw three or four people driving with dogs on their laps. One car was crossing the intersection in front of me, and all I saw was this big white puffy thing in front of the guy. I thought his airbag had deployed until Fifi's little white head popped up. I mean, I like dogs but sheesh, get your stupid mutt out of the front seat. It doesn't have to be there. Now, if you want to bathe your cats while you're driving home, I'm all for that (the accidents will help keep the gene pool a bit cleaner!).

In a related story (not really), a car accident gave life instead of claiming it. A 77 year-old British professor suffered cardiac arrest while driving and died. He lost control of his Honda Civic and slammed his car into a tree, which caused the steering wheel to hit his chest and restart his heart.

Fifi, on the other hand, was crushed instantly....

i think more and more people are realizing the uselessness of cats... well, as a pet. for welcome mats, door jams, cup holders and even windshield wipers; they serve a great purpose.

Isn't it amazing how God intends something to be used one way and we totally go the opposite and call it a pet?

Lord, I repent...

[ adjusts state-of-the-art cat monitor stand ]
Amen, Steve, amen.
sigh...i wondered how long it'd be before you'd dump on cats, Dee...
Steve, I'm glad you love your cat. Soon you'll see how much greater your joy will be loving your son (way greater joy than even dogs can bring)! You'll wonder why you didn't start making your own people earlier... kidding.

Al, dumping on cats is a daily ritual for me. Sorry about that.

Do you remember "Quarvel" (or whatever that cat's name was)? I rest my case....
Hey, wait a minute, I didn't dump on cats at all - just cat owners! My post was about Fifi the DOG, and the only cats mentioned were getting bathed and pampered. Man, you guys give me a bad rap...


cats can be used for pretty much anything you'd use a papertowel for..
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