Friday, March 10, 2006


March Birthdays...

Aquamarine. Jonquil. Those are the March birthstone and flower. I'm not sure what a jonquil looks like, maybe I'll look it up. (Note: most blogger-type-people would at this point connect a link here or post a picture of an actual jonquil, but I'm not your run-of-the-mill blogger. Nosiree, I like to hyphenate things and use brackets.... I'm a blogger-hyphenater-parentheses-type, not a computer-friendly-help-everyone-learn-what-a-jonquil-is-type.)

Back to my point. I know a lot of people who were born in March. Like, maybe an abnormal amount of people (and yes, some of them are abnormal - you know who you are!). I counted 22 people that I know, personally, who have March birthdays. And I bet there are other friends and relatives whom I just don't know when their birthday is, but are March babies as well. Looking over the list of folks, it would seem to me that March people are smart, creative, funny, good looking, prone to getting into trouble with their words, industrial, wise, athletic, and just gosh-darn all-round good people (and maybe they like hyphens?).

So without further ado, "Happy Birthday Month" to Andy, Andrew, Steve, Carissa, June, Stu, Lisa, Joel, Paulina, Kayla, Kucy, Sarah, Tamara, Jim, James, Ben, Josh, Shane, Lloyd, Cheri, and Katrina.

If there are more of you out there, let me know if you like hyphens....

as far as I know, all march birthdays have facial hair too...

* not scientific fact
You and I do, Steve, so it must be true.
And what about January birthdays?!?!
8 of the 13 people i work with are born in January - so i guess that means that all January babies like to work in small rooms full of whirring equipment, complain about each other, and stay in one job for a lifetime (like a prison sentence for murder!)...
Other than that, we all have nothing in common.
But happy birthday to you Marchies out there!
Wow, last night I found out Lily was born in March. That's #23.... (Sorry Steve F, I remember Eric, but I'm not counting him. Maybe in a future March blog update with your kid!)
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