Thursday, May 25, 2006


T-Ball Trouble...

For the past 3 weeks Jayce has been learning to play softball in a local city program with about 30 other five and six year-olds. They were split into 4 teams and practised running the bases the first week, hit the ball and took team pictures the second week, and fielded, ran and hit a bit on the third week. She's having fun and doing okay (I think the most enjoyable part for her is getting ice cream with dad afterwards).

Yesterday, their team played a game against one of the other teams. I use the word "game" loosely because, although it was set up like a softball game, Jayce's team (The Lions), was pretty unclear on the concept. I got to be the first base coach, telling kids where to run next (second base is THAT way), and telling the first baseman where to stand and to stop picking his nose.

The game was 5 innings and each kid got to hit each inning. There were no outs per sé, so everyone reached base (that "per sé" really wasn't a necessary word use, but I wanted to show people that I could get that little slanted line thing over the e). Jayce's team was NOT a well-oiled machine, while the opposition seemed to be made up of professional Japanese baseball midgets. Everything they hit (The Greyhounds) seemed to be a line drive right past second base into the outfield. After the third inning I started checking IDs as they rounded first base. The Lions really had no clue, as I don't think they had ever SEEN a game being played. They had simply practised a few skills between covering their faces with their gloves and doodling in the sand. One kid on Jayce's team was REALLY funny. He would hit the ball off the tee, and then chase it and try to pick it up before the other team could get it. It confused everybody!

Thankfully, the game was over pretty quick and the kids on Jayce's team got a drink box and a sucker (I think The Greyhounds went out for beers). Jayce did okay, and she's a lot of fun to watch when she's in her defensive "ready" position (so intense!). But I think I'll continue to stress to her the most important parts of softball: Have fun, play hard, and remember that her team has the best looking ball caps.

It would have been a perfect night if I only hadn't wagered another dad $50 on the outcome of the game....

once your boy is old enough to play t-ball you should get him a fake beard... you'd probably get better odds with the other dads than 1-1
Excellent story, Dairn. =)

Are pastors allowed to bet money?

Sorry, had to get that zinger in, even though it makes little sense for a guy who works in a casino to use that one...
Is the Bible different for pastors than for any old Christian, Al?

(Besides, if I EVER had $50 in my pocket it would go towards something more respectable... like widows, orphans, or buying hockey cards)
hockey cards...

and no, not different. you're right on that.
it is just that pastors have a board, and a congregation, lots of people questioning things that they do and say. as lay people do not have that much pressure from the outside.
however, i beleive in freedom, not the bondage of man.
but, that is another topic, for a heavier topicced (?spelling?) place than this...
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