Saturday, September 23, 2006


Fast Fact...

Did you know that you are taller at the beginning of the day than at the end of the day? That's why you have to adjust the rearview mirror when you get into your car to go to work/school/mafia meeting each morning.

The reason for this, of course, is that when you sleep little elves come to your bed and pull on your arms and legs to stretch you. They get taller at the same time, but it's barely noticeable....

It works in reverse for those of us who work graveyard shifts.
The elves actually visit us while we are awake, and they pull on our necks to make us more long-necked (not to be confused with "nekked").
Then, when we get in our cars to go home in the morning, we bump our head son the ceiling of our car, concussing us every day.
To top it all off,
on weekends the elves don't work, so i have to get my neck stretched by non-union neck-stretchers (*shudder* )!
oh, the inhumanity!...
When you pull a gnome behind a truck, is he/she a mobile-gnome?
I was listening to the radio talking about one of the biggest things that men lie about on their online profiles --- their hight. ... Maybe it is because they are measuring in the morning?? elves...
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