Saturday, June 14, 2008



How do YOU spell 'congratulations'? Well, if you spell it like I just did (over there to the left, like 16 words ago), then you spell it correctly. If you spell it with a 'd' (congradulations), then you're wrong. 'Congrads' - also wrong, even when saying it to a graduate. Wrong.

This friendly spelling reminder is brought to you by the father of Luke Peters, who received approximately 43% of all congratulations emails and Facebook messages spelled incorrectly (although I do love and appreciate the heart-felt sentiment of each and every note!).

For those of you who got it right, kongradyoulayshuns....

I usually forget... so I say "congrats"... does that count?
Whaat!? Aww...I spelt it wrong. Here's a correct one:

Congratulations! :)
You no what the real problum is? Conradgulashun cards donnt have a spell chek on them. And peeple have probloms righting things four themselves. Your just gonta hafta get use to some bad spellun in they're cards.
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