Tuesday, December 27, 2005


Change Of Face...

This morning I went to trim my goatee - it's my weekly ritual - and I didn't look at the setting on my trimmer. Well, it was set at #1 (very close to face) and I usually use #3 (somewhat close to face). After one swipe I realized my mistake, but it was too late. I had to trim very close to my face. Now I look like a 90's Don Johnson (if you never watched Miami Vice in the 80's, then simply skip this sentence).

It's kind of like the movie Face/Off where the John Travolta and Nicolas Cage characters change faces. That was a cool movie! Okay, it's not like I have someone else's face, but I do look a little different. Maybe younger. Or fatter. Or thinner. I'm not quite sure. Anyways, it all reminds me of the old joke: "Why didn't the lepers play hockey? Too many face offs!"

By the way, I got an MP3 player for Christmas. Neat, eh? I still have to figure out how to download some music to it, but it'll work eventually. Now, let's see, how do I get the music from my record collection and cassette tapes, onto my computer and then into this little mp3 contraption thingy. I think I need a bigger hammer....

Sunday, December 25, 2005


Hey You...

Yeah, you.

Merry Christmas, eh!

Best wishes and blessings from Dairn....

Saturday, December 17, 2005


Dying Man Ticketed...

A 73-year-old man who receieved a $5 jaywalking ticket after he was struck by a car in Washington, DC, has died. Although witnesses said Charles Atherton was badly injured at the scene, police issued him the ticket. His family found it with his belongings when they went to the hospital. Police Captain Willie Smith said officers would have not issued the ticket "if we knew he was going to die."

Yikes, makes me think twice about jaywalking. Not only could I be struck and killed by a car, but my family might be left with a huge debt to pay. Although, if the police refuse to fine people if they know they are going to die, crime could be rampant in the streets because.... we're all going to die someday!

I wonder if the first person to cross the street was named Jay....

Thursday, December 08, 2005


COPS In Burnaby...

Ok, I've been watching out the front window of our house most of the evening because of the riveting activity across the street. It all started yesterday... *deedlee-doodlee-deedlee-doodlee* (flashback music).

The neighbour directly across the road got pulled over by the police last night. The cop was driving a white panel van and was dressed in undercover gear (jeans, vest, his badge on a lanyard around his neck). It seemed like the neighbour was getting a traffic ticket for going through the stop sign or something. He showed his license and registration. Whenever he leaned over to get something from the glove compartment, the cop would glance into the back of the man's SUV. Anyways, the cop seemed jovial, wrote a ticket or warning, and left. The neighbour pulled his vehicle up 10 feet, parked and went inside.

Fast forward to tonight. A bunch of cops. The man in handcuffs in his front yard. Being taken away from the home (by the same undercover guy who was giving him a seemingly routine traffic check yesterday). Later, another van pulled into the yard and two policemen with masks start removing items from the house. At first it seemed to be a friendly, neighbourhood, run of the mill, west coast grow-op (marijuana). But they were wearing chemical masks, so I am assuming that it may have been a meth lab, or crack house or something (possibly producing black market wicker furniture, who knows?). Then, a BC Hydro truck pulled up and sent a guy up the electrical pole to shut off power to the house.

Now it's dark and very empty over there. Weird sight. Now that I think of it, I haven't seen the wife and daughter and grandmother from that home for a while. Maybe they left method man? Maybe they are the brains of the operation? In any case, it was a strange, yet exciting scene. Does anyone want to buy a cheap house? Probably no power or running water, and you might want to wear a mask whenever you're inside.

How about another strange sight today? Jayce and her friend Ethan were playing a game on the front lawn this afternoon when I came home. The name of the game? "Jump the dog poop." Luckily nobody lost....

Wednesday, December 07, 2005


Christmas Gifts...

Gotta go get some girl gifts. Something for my wife and something for my daughter. Both are difficult to shop for because my wife doesn't know what she wants, and my daughter knows a million things she wants (Kylan, by the way, will just need something for him to chew on - shouldn't be too difficult).

What does one on a budget (a budget that hasn't been written down, mind you) buy a 5 year old girl for Christmas? Well there's Polly Pocket stuff, Barbie stuff, Dora The Explorer stuff, and Power Puff stuff. There's Easy Bake Oven stuff, Cabbage Patch Doll stuff, Totally Spies stuff, and Disney Princess stuff. Games, gadgets, dinnerware playsets. Chicken Little, Finding Nemo, and DVD boxsets. My Little Pony stuff, My Little Pet Shop stuff, My Little Brain Hurts Just Thinking About It All stuff.

I think I'll put Barbie on My Little Pony, stick them in an Easy Bake Oven and see what comes out. "My Little Phony Bimbo" from Mattel....

Thursday, December 01, 2005


They're Back...

Ahh, the crispness in the air, the barren trees, the frozen grass in the front yard, the little kids' tongues stuck to metal poles. Yup, pretty easy to tell that it's hockey card season at McDonalds!

After a one year hiatus (cool word, eh?) due to the NHL lockout last year, a 2005/06 set of hockey cards has been created by Upper Deck for McDonalds in Canada once again (on sale for $0.99/pack).

Now, most of you reading this blog could care less about this development. In fact, you probably already tuned out when you saw the picture of Mario Lemieux above and to your left (my right). "Hmmm, wonder who is going to disappear on Without A Trace tonight?", you are thinking. Or, "wow, what a hunk that Horatio Caine is on CSI Miami. I can't wait until next Monday's episode. It's sad he can't act..."

So, I will turn my attention to those of you who are still with me. I am once again attempting to complete the collection of cards from this year's set, including the inserts. Ohh, the elusive "insert cards!" There are 4 sets of special edition cards (15 cards each) within the McDonalds base set of 50 cards. Still tracking? Good. The special cards are randomly inserted at a ratio of approximately 1 per every 14 packs sold at McDonalds. So, finding all the inserts is akin to watching back-to-back episodes of the Gilmore Girls - freaking impossible!

Anyways, I have collected most of the McDonalds hockey cards since their introduction way back in 1991, so it's not time for me to give up yet. And, as is the case with anything this great in life, it is (of course) a limited time offer. So wish me luck!

Also (FYI), I will be the Ronald McDonald stunt double for his upcoming commercials being filmed locally. I think the shoot has something to do with falling from an airplane while Grimace makes a corny joke about the Fry Guys. Too bad I'm afraid of heights and allergic to the face makeup....

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